Why is a national Sunday law demanded?
"The national law is needed to make the state laws complete and effective. " - Christian Statesman, April
11, 1889.
What has Christ been made for us, and for what purpose?
What does Christ declare Himself to be?
Following one of His parables, what did Christ say?
4. What explanation did Moses give the rulers of Israel concerning the withholding of the manna on the seventh day in the wilderness of Sin, before they reached Sinai?
What has been promised in order that man may be redeemed from this condition?
When Elijah was about to take a forty days journey, how was he strengthened for it?
22. While many will be deceived by these wonders, and accept of the false christs that appear, what will those say who have maintained their love for the truth, and patiently waited for Christ's return?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle