With what do these trumpets deal?


With the wars, commotion, and political upheavals which result in the breaking up and downfall of the
Roman Empire the first four with the downfall of Western Rome, the fifth and sixth with the downfall of
Eastern Rome, and the seventh with the final downfall of Rome in its broadest sense, or all the kingdoms
of the world. See Revelation 8 and 9 and 11:14-19. A trumpet is a symbol of war. Jer. 4: 19, 20; Joel 2: 111.

From what is a converted sinner saved?
Where was God to meet with Israel?
What is said of the stability of God's character?
What was shown upon the opening of the first seal?
What courage and strength, therefore, should come to us even in the hour of affliction?
What work constitutes the fast most acceptable to God?
Why will this city have no need of the sun or moon?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle