With what were many possessed in Christ's time?


"And they brought unto Him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those
which were possessed with devils." Matt. 4: 24.
NOTE-Vampire-like, evil angels take possession of, and make their abode with, all over whose
minds and bodies they can gain control. Only through Christ can this demoniacal captivity be broken. Until
this is done, one in this condition is led captive by Satan "at his will." His self-control and power to resist
temptation are gone. See 2 Tim. 2: 26.

After the Flood, what came in consequence of further apostasy from God?
What is the basis of faith?
In what condition is one whose sins are forgiven?
What first attracted the prophet's attention?
What is the strength of sin?
When Moses came down from Sinai, what did he see?
27. What wonderful promises are made to those who thus minister to the wants and distresses of others?

Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle