With what words did He justify acts of mercy on the Sabbath day?
'Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the Sabbath days." Matt. 12:12.
NOTE - Not a little of Christ's earthly ministry was devoted to uplifting the Sabbath, and showing
the beneficent character of the Sabbath institution. It was not meant to be a day of sorrow, austerity, or
gloom. Disinterested works of love and mercy toward man or beast are always in place on the Sabbath.
Lawful means, according to law."
What did Christ say of those who will to do God's will?
Whose sovereignty is thus challenged?
What is Noah called?
Where is the law of God written under the new covenant?
What great separation will then take place?
If one lacks wisdom, what is he told to do?
What promise is made to them that walk uprightly?
Questions & Answers are from the book Bible Readings for the Home Circle