select get_mother_college, "Religion", count(*) from (select "Religion", get_mother_college(get_student_course) from students2, (select *, get_student_course(20000000+"Student ID") from (select distinct ("Student ID") from grades where "Year" = 2024 and "Semester" = '2') as foo) as bar where students2."Student ID" = bar."Student ID" order by get_mother_college, get_student_course) as bar2 group by get_mother_college, "Religion" order by get_mother_college, count desc;146 rows
College of Arts and HumanitiesSDA359
College of Arts and HumanitiesRC59
College of Arts and Humanities29
College of Arts and HumanitiesCHR22
College of Arts and HumanitiesBAC15
College of Arts and HumanitiesN/A5
College of Arts and HumanitiesBAP5
College of Arts and HumanitiesSDA-REFORM4
College of Arts and HumanitiesCCF4
College of Arts and HumanitiesAGNO4
College of Arts and HumanitiesISL4
College of Arts and HumanitiesNone3
College of Arts and HumanitiesPROT2
College of Arts and HumanitiesEVC2
College of Arts and HumanitiesJIL2
College of Arts and HumanitiesINC2
College of Arts and HumanitiesATHEIST1
College of Arts and HumanitiesMET1
College of Arts and HumanitiesJW1
College of Arts and HumanitiesPIC1
College of Arts and HumanitiesBUD1
College of Arts and HumanitiesHIN1
College of BusinessSDA491
College of BusinessRC78
College of Business35
College of BusinessCHR21
College of BusinessBAC12
College of BusinessINC5
College of BusinessSDA-REFORM5
College of BusinessUCCP3
College of BusinessCCF2
College of BusinessBAP2
College of BusinessVCC2
College of BusinessN/A2
College of BusinessPENTE2
College of BusinessISL2
College of BusinessEVC1
College of BusinessAGNO1
College of BusinessANGLICAN1
College of BusinessMOR1
College of BusinessJW1
College of BusinessMET1
College of BusinessCOG1
College of BusinessPROT1
College of BusinessTJC1
College of DentistrySDA272
College of DentistryRC77
College of Dentistry32
College of DentistryBAC22
College of DentistryCHR20
College of DentistryPROT3
College of DentistryISL3
College of DentistryINC3
College of DentistryJIL2
College of DentistrySDA-REFORM2
College of DentistryJMC2
College of DentistryMET1
College of DentistryCOG1
College of DentistryCCF1
College of DentistryPENTE1
College of DentistryMOR1
College of DentistryAGNO1
College of DentistryUCG1
College of DentistryNone1
College of DentistryADD1
College of DentistryHIN1
College of DentistryVCC1
College of EducationSDA237
College of EducationRC9
College of Education8
College of EducationSDA-REFORM7
College of EducationCHR4
College of EducationBAC3
College of EducationNone3
College of EducationINC1
College of EducationEVC1
College of EducationBAP1
College of HealthSDA374
College of HealthRC90
College of Health30
College of HealthBAC23
College of HealthNone16
College of HealthN/A12
College of HealthCHR12
College of HealthBAP7
College of HealthSDA-REFORM5
College of HealthPROT4
College of HealthISL3
College of HealthPIC3
College of HealthUCCP2
College of HealthVCC1
College of HealthINC1
College of HealthMET1
College of HealthEVC1
College of HealthATHEIST1
College of HealthANGLICAN1
College of HealthPENTE1
College of MedicineSDA94
College of MedicineRC17
College of MedicineBAC9
College of Medicine9
College of MedicineCHR4
College of MedicineMESJUD1
College of MedicineNone1
College of MedicineJIL1
College of MedicineN/A1
College of MedicineADD1
College of MedicinePIC1
College of NursingSDA566
College of NursingRC119
College of Nursing73
College of NursingCHR30
College of NursingBAC17
College of NursingNone12
College of NursingPROT7
College of NursingSDA-REFORM5
College of NursingBAP5
College of NursingISL5
College of NursingINC4
College of NursingPENTE3
College of NursingPIC2
College of NursingADD2
College of NursingATHEIST2
College of NursingMET1
College of NursingMOR1
College of NursingCCF1
College of NursingN/A1
College of NursingCOG1
College of NursingAGNO1
College of NursingBUD1
College of Science and TechnologySDA127
College of Science and TechnologyRC17
College of Science and Technology12
College of Science and TechnologyNone4
College of Science and TechnologyBAC3
College of Science and TechnologyMOR2
College of Science and TechnologyCHR2
College of Science and TechnologyPROT1
College of Science and TechnologyBAP1
College of Science and TechnologyAGNO1
College of Science and TechnologySDA-REFORM1
College of Science and TechnologyPIC1
College of TheologySDA126
College of TheologyCHR4