[Attendance Request Form]


hopefully this:

  1. is easier than printing, signing, scanning and sending
  2. is safer than walking around asking people to sign during pandemic
  3. is less worrisome than sending around electronic photos of signature
  4. fills up the gap of google form for not having signatures
  5. enables the creation of online forms faster than development of systems for each form


Attendance Request Form
Rev 11 / 1203.19

user: Login with AOLIS employee account for college enrollment | Login with AOLIS Student Account | Login with @aup.edu.ph AUP Email account | | time: Mon Dec 9 15:13:39 PST 2024 , forminstanceid: 0 Last signed: . Last edited: . | Signatures/Approvals: 0/0

Professional Growth

Research Activities

Administrative Functions

Service Request

1. Requesting Faculty/Staff



Date of Filing

Date of Attendance

Date of Departure

Date of Arrival

Days to be used for the Attendance





Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.

2. Approval of the Immediate Supervisor / Department Chair / College Dean

Cost Involved

Registration fee






Date of last attendance

Provision for missed work / classes

Immediate Supervisor / Department Chair
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.
College Dean
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

3. Approval of Human Resource Director

Date of last attendance

Days used during the last attendance

Days to be used for this attendance


No. of days used for the present year:

Professional Growth

Research Activities

Administrative Functions

Service Requests

Human Resource Officer
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.

4. Approval of the Controller and Vice President for Finance

Accreditation Level

Budget/per person

Budget used per person

Unused budget

Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.
Vice President for Finance
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

5. Approval of the Research Director (for paper / poster presentation)

Invitation (attached in step #1)


Approved abstract of the inviting organization

Research Director
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

6. Approval of Vice President for Academics

Allowed days for identified activities

  • Professional Growth - 3 working days per semester and inter-semester up to maximum of 7 working days per year. (Seminar, Training, Convention, Conference, Forum, Workshop, Congress, Assembly, Symposium)
  • Research Activities - 7 working days per year (Paper Presentation, Poster Presentation)
  • Administrative Functions - 7 working days per year (Meetings, Orientation - related to university duties and responsibilities)
  • Service Requests - 7 calendar days per semester up to 14 calendar days per year (WOP Speaker, Accreditor, Resource Person, Lecturer, Defense Panel Member, Forum Moderator, Officiating Minister, ROAT, & etc)

Your days of the Academic Year

Less: days used (previous requests)

days used (present request)

Available days for the AY

Vice President for Academics
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.

7. ADCOM (if necessary)

Action No.


Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.


  1. Please accomplish this form at least two weeks before the seminar.
  2. Attach the seminar program / letter of invitation.
  3. Remember to submit a seminar attendance report form (available at the VPA office / College Dean's Office) within one week after coming back.

Budgetary Allocation for Professional Growth / Administrative Functions / Research Activities / Professional Membership

  1. Professional Growth - 3 working days per semester and inter-semester up to maximum of 7 working days per year. ( Seminar / Training / Conventions / Conference / Forum / Workshop / Congress / Assembly / Symposium )
    Level IV20,000.00
    Level III16,000.00
    Level II and I12,000.00
    No accreditation level but director is involved in accreditation12,000.00
    No accreditation level but with license as a requirement for the work12,000.00
    Dormitory deans9,000.00
    No accreditation level7,500.00
    Staff / Secretaries7,500.00
  2. Research Activities - 7 working days per year. Paper presentation / Poster Presentation
    International or20,000.00
  3. Administrative Functions - 7 working days per year. (Meetings / Orientation - related to university duties & responsibilities ) (in addition to seminar budget)20,000.00
  4. Service Request - 7 calendar days per semester up to 14 calendar days per year. (WOP Speaker, Accreditator, Resource Person, Lecturer, Defense Panel Member, Forum Moderator, Officiating Minister)
  5. Professional Membership
    Institutional (national) up to Php10,000.00 per dept. per year except COM and URC10,000.00
    Individual (national) up to Php5,000 per full-time regular faculty per year except COM5,000.00
    Individual and Institutional (international) up to Php15,000.00 per dept chair, dean, principal, academic director and all faculty members involved in level 4.15,000.00

Note: The employee shall not commit himself/herself to these activities unless there is a prior approval by the appropriate officer or committee. Any excess absences from the regular functions which is due to any of the above activities, if approved, may be deducted from the employee's unused vacation leave or from his/her salary.

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