[Waiver for Graduating Class Officers]


hopefully this:

  1. is easier than printing, signing, scanning and sending
  2. is safer than walking around asking people to sign during pandemic
  3. is less worrisome than sending around electronic photos of signature
  4. fills up the gap of google form for not having signatures
  5. enables the creation of online forms faster than development of systems for each form


Waiver for Graduating Class Officers
Rev 0 / 03.03.2020

user: Login with AOLIS employee account for college enrollment | Login with AOLIS Student Account | Login with @aup.edu.ph AUP Email account | | time: Fri Feb 14 16:31:25 PST 2025 , forminstanceid: 0 Last signed: . Last edited: . | Signatures/Approvals: 0/0



of legal age, with address at

elected as an officer to the position

hereby acknowledge that my function as an officer of the Graduating Class School Year

is a privilege and not a right and is dependent upon the following conditions:

  1. that I comply with the GPA requirement of 3.50 for president and vice president; 3.0 for other offices.
  2. that I have clearance from the Student Services Office (SSO) regarding behavioral conduct.
  3. that I should have maintained a residency of four semesters, including the current one.
  4. that I should be a 2nd semester graduate (not 1st Semester or Intersemester).
  5. that I should finish my FS/Thesis before the deadline for the Approval of Candidates for Graduation
  6. that I should stay on campus to fulfill my duties and responsibilities or stay within the vicinity of AUP (5km radius within AUP e.g. Tartaria, Imperial, Don Jose and Puting Kahoy).
  7. that my OJT/IPO should not interfere with regular scheduled meetings and my duties and responsibilities.
  8. that I should not have more than three (3) excused or unexcused absences during regular meetings.

Unless all of the above conditions are met, I waive my privilege as having been elected as officer of the Graduating Class of the Adventist University of the Philippines.

I declare that I have read this entire document and that the waiver has been fully understood. I further declare that I voluntarily and willingly execute this waiver with full knowledge of my rights under the law.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this (day of)


in the year




Witness 1
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.
Witness 2
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this (day of)

(month & year)

in the City of

the conforme

exhibiting to me his / her

With this I hereby cerfity that I have personally examined the Conforme and I am satisfied that he/she voluntarily executed and understood the said claim.

Doc. No

Page No.

Book No.

Series of

Photo of Notarial Certificate (https://sc.judiciary.gov.ph/12490/)

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