[Change in Registration Request] (This is done when a student is already officially enrolled)


hopefully this:

  1. is easier than printing, signing, scanning and sending
  2. is safer than walking around asking people to sign during pandemic
  3. is less worrisome than sending around electronic photos of signature
  4. fills up the gap of google form for not having signatures
  5. enables the creation of online forms faster than development of systems for each form


Change in Registration Request
(This is done when a student is already officially enrolled)
Rev 3/08-20-19

user: Login with AOLIS employee account for college enrollment | Login with AOLIS Student Account | Login with @aup.edu.ph AUP Email account | | time: Tue Sep 10 21:34:54 PST 2024 , forminstanceid: 0 Last signed: . Last edited: . | Signatures/Approvals: 0/0




I hereby request permission to make the following changes in my program/schedule:

Reason for change of program: [dissolved course | error of the encoder | conflict / others (pls. specify)]


Please specify if DELETE or DROP. Delete if within the registration period or within a month after classes start. Drop if after one month of classes.

Course No.

Course Title


Days & Time

Room No.

Instructor's Signature
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

Course No.

Course Title


Days & Time

Room No.

Instructor's Signature
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

Course No.

Course Title


Days & Time

Room No.

Instructor's Signature
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

Course No.

Course Title


Days & Time

Room No.

Instructor's Signature
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.


Course No.

Course Title


Days & Time

Room No.

Instructor's Signature
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

Course No.

Course Title


Days & Time

Room No.

Instructor's Signature
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

Course No.

Course Title


Days & Time

Room No.

Instructor's Signature
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

Course No.

Course Title


Days & Time

Room No.

Instructor's Signature
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.
Student's Name and Signature
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.

Parent/Guardian Consent


Department Chair
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.

a. Student GPA

b. Total # of units when change of program request is approved

College Dean
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.
Assistant to the VPA for Graduate Studies (if applicable)
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.
Vice President for Academics
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.

change of pogram fee is applicable or not applicable?

(tentative instructions for making sure: 1. all grades correspond to charges, 2. changes are recorded, 3. current changes do not impact previous monthly statements)
If adding classes within "cancellation period"*:
Accounting - Cancel Assessment
DSF - Update Units & Advise for additional payment
Cashier - Additional Payment / change-of-registration fee(if applicable) received
Department Chair - LineUp addition & Approval
Accounting - Finalization
Records & Admissions Office - Receipt of Form for filing
If adding classes after "cancellation period"*:
Accounting - checking assessment/calculation of additional payment
DSF - Advise for additional payment
Cashier - Additional Payment / change-of-registration fee(if applicable) received
Department Chair or RAO (if Dept is already busy with classes as long ang Dept approved class) - LineUp addition only
Accounting - Manual Assessment (also automatically approves LineUp addition and links it with corresponding financial transaction/entry)
Records & Admissions Office - Receipt of Form for filing

If removing classes within "cancellation period"*:
Accounting - Cancel Assessment
DSF - info about refundability
Cashier - change-of-registration fee(if applicable)
Department Chair - LineUp removal
Accounting - Finalization & possible charge
Records & Admissions Office - Receipt of Form for filing
If removing classes after "cancellation period"*:
Accounting - checking assessment
DSF - info about refundability
Cashier - change-of-registration fee(if applicable)
Department Chair - none
Accounting - calculation/entry if refundable
Records & Admissions Office - Mark grade as Deleted/Dropped. Receipt of Form for filing
*cancellation period - period when Assessments can be safely recalculated w/o impacting past departmental monthly income statements.

Accounting Office
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.
Department Chair
( If adding classes w/in cancellation period, please add them at https://a.aolis.aup.edu.ph/enrollmentdept/ . If after cancellation period, just sign here as approval so accounting will manually assess (w/c will also approve) the class. )
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.
Accounting Office
(After cancellation period, if transferring or entering new class[es], please https://a.aolis.aup.edu.ph/manual-assessment/ to associate the new grade with the relevant journal entry)
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.
Records & Admissions Office
(If withdrawing from class, set grade to Deleted or Drop)
Please login to Approve/Decline/Sign.

This is a sequentially required signature.
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