[Missionary Questionnaire]


hopefully this:

  1. is easier than printing, signing, scanning and sending
  2. is safer than walking around asking people to sign during pandemic
  3. is less worrisome than sending around electronic photos of signature
  4. fills up the gap of google form for not having signatures
  5. enables the creation of online forms faster than development of systems for each form


Missionary Questionnaire

user: Login with AOLIS employee account for college enrollment | Login with AOLIS Student Account | Login with @aup.edu.ph AUP Email account | | time: Wed Sep 11 07:15:13 PST 2024 , forminstanceid: 0 Last signed: . Last edited: . | Signatures/Approvals: 0/0

1. Do you believe in God the Father, in His Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit? ( Yes / I'd like to know more / No )

2. Do you believe and receive the death of Jesus Christ on Calvary as the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world, and believe that through faith in His shed blood we are saved from sin and its penalty? ( Yes / I'd like to know more / No )

3. Renouncing the world and its sinful ways, have you received Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, and do you believe that God, for Christ's sake, has forgiven your sins and given you a new heart? ( Yes / I'd like to know more / No )

4. Do you accept by faith the righteousness of Christ, recognizing Him as your Intercessor in the heavenly sanctuary, and do you claim His promise to strengthen you by His indwelling Spirit, so that you may receive power to do His will? ( Yes / I'd like to know more / No )

5. Do you believe that the Bible is God's inspired word, and that it constitutes the only rule of faith and practice for the Christian? ( Yes / I'd like to know more / No )

6. Do you accept the Ten Commandments as still binding upon Christians; and is it your purpose, by the power of the indwelling Christ, to keep the law of God, including the fourth commandment, which calls us to keep the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath of the Lord? ( Yes / I'd like to know more / No )

7. Is the soon coming of Jesus the blessed hope in your heart, and are you determined to be personally ready to meet the Lord, and to do all in your power to witness to His loving salvation, and by life and word to help others to be ready for His glorious appearing? ( Yes / I'd like to know more / No )

8. Do you believe the Biblical teaching of spiritual gifts, and do you believe that the gift of prophecy is one of the identifying marks of the remnant church? ( Yes / I'd like to know more / No )

9. By God's grace do you purpose in your heart to biblically support the church by your tithes and offerings, your personal effort, and influence? ( Yes / I'd like to know more / No )

10. Do you believe that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and that you are to honor God by caring for your body, avoiding the use of that which is harmful? To abstain from all unclean foods, and from the use of all alcoholic beverages, tobacco, narcotics or any other type of drugs? ( Yes / I'd like to know more / No )

11. Knowing and understanding the fundamental Bible principles as taught in the Scriptures, is it your purpose, by the grace of God, to order your life in harmony with these principles? ( Yes / I'd like to know more / No )

12. Do you accept the New Testament teaching of baptism by immersion, and do you desire to be so baptized as a public expression of your faith in Christ and in the forgiveness of your sins? ( Yes / I'd like to know more / No )

13. Do you believe that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is the remnant church of Bible prophecy, Rev. 12:17, and that people of every nation, race, and language are invited and accepted into its fellowship? Do you desire to be a member of this local assembly of the world church? ( Yes / I'd like to know more / No )

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